Machibuse (1970)


(77 votes)





From Toho, and producer/star Toshiro Mifune, comes a beautifully made Samurai epic that continues the journey of his infamous character Yojimbo!As per usual, with Japanese productions from this era, the sets and costumes are incredible - along with the performances from all involved.

I agree with much of the criticisms other reviewers have mentioned, in particular that Mifune's character seems more of a disinterested spectator throughout most of the film that he probably should have been, and that the ending was on the weak side. Despite that, I thought the slow revelation of the story was intriguing.

Treachery, betrayal, romance, and double crossings abound at a small inn at a remote pass in Inagaki Hiroshi's Incident at Blood Pass, a wonderfully constructed and suspenseful chambara classic.Toshiro Mifune reprises his role as a wandering ronin named Yojimbo, sent on a mission to a remote mountain pass named Sanshuu Pass.

Firstly, i did enjoy this film and would recommend it. that said i find it to be a peculiar blend.

This film is sure to appeal to fans of its famous principle actors Toshiro Mifune (Yojimbo), Katsu Shintaro (Zatoichi) and Yujiro Ishihara (Baby Cart series). The film was the last film in director Hiroshi Inagaki's long career.

Hmmm...this is a hard film to review and perhaps the other reviewer who says this stands repeated viewings is correct, as with only one viewing I wasn't all that impressed.

Like YOJIMBO and SANJURO, INCIDENT AT BLOOD PASS stars Toshiro Mifune as a ronin out to do good (though that's not really made clear until late in the going, which is okay). While the two aforementioned Kurosawa classics offer enough character and situational twists and turns to keep one guessing, INCIDENT AT BLOOD PASS is more linear and, therefore, much less engaging.

Like most Japanese film enthusiasts, I looked forward to this film with great antici...pation.

INCIDENT AT BLOOD PASS (aka MACHIBUSE, 1970) is a period suspense drama set at a remote inn located at a crucial mountain pass in Tokugawa-era Japan. It takes the time-honored premise of gathering a motley cast of characters and forcing them into close quarters together as trouble brews before a major confrontation.
