Lost Transmissions
Lost Transmissions (2019)

Lost Transmissions

(75 votes)



American Film Festival 2019

Audience Award
Narrative Feature

Glasgow Film Festival 2020

Audience Award


It does not show the failure to provide for people with mental illness, because that isn't discussed and we only see 2 references to it when he's in hospital. The dialogue is garbage, it doesn't even make him look as if he has a metal illness it just makes him look stupid.

Normally reviewing a bad movie there's something to get your teeth into, examples of the inanity or sheer woefulness that you can chuckle about. With this though, there's nothing...

Leaving the great Art of the Brick, (over 100 works of art,made of Lego!)I by chance found a leaflet for the Manchester International Film Festival.

....then you will relate to this.

This vulnerable and raw story tugged at my heartstrings and brought me to tears as I sat alone in the theater at the LA premiere. The performances were extraordinary, and Katharine's direction brought the story to life beautifully, making me laugh at some moments and weep at others.

Thoroughly enjoyed Lost Transmissions. Intense subject matter beautifully displayed on screen.

Hats off to Katharine for her directorial debut. She did a great job portraying someone with mental illness.

This movie is mostly about schizophrenia, and not about music.. Alexandra not really have an important role here..
