I Survived a Japanese Game Show
I Survived a Japanese Game Show (2008)

I Survived a Japanese Game Show

(53 votes)




Rose d'Or Light Entertainment Festival 2009

Golden Rose
Best Reality & Factual Entertainment



This could've been a really fantastic show, giving us Americans a taste of those crazy Japanese game shows. This show is actually that, only chewed up, spit out, stomped on the floor, then put on a plate for us to enjoy.

Normally, I'm not a fan of reality TV shows, but this one I found it fun to watch.A group of contestants, who have no idea what and where they're going, find themselves headed off to Tokyo, Japan to participate in one of those crazy Japanese game shows and this competition has a flavor of Survivor, or Last Comic Standing, where the contestants compete in teams, doing crazy challenges, Japanese style, where the winning team is rewarded, but the losing team goes through a "punishment" type of thing, once again Japanese style.

I think the title "I Survived an Idiotic Americanized Version of a Japanese Game Show" might be more appropriate. I had high hopes for this show, having recently been enjoying several episodes of one of my favorite game shows of all time, Most Extreme Challenge.

For those of you who do not have the G4 TV channel, this show works well. It introduces the crazy and wacky world of how Japanese people do their TV shows.

I loved "I survived a Japanese game show" it was a breath of fresh air to see this on my TV set every week. I really hope there is a season two as this show can only get better!

When I first saw advertisements for the first season of I Survived a Japanese Game Show, I thought it looked really stupid. But eventually, it started to grow on me.

I want to be on this show. That's how much I love it.
