Hundred Percent
Hundred Percent (1998)

Hundred Percent

(49 votes)





Hundred Percent is a movie I'm not accustomed to seeing on a movie screen. It's not often you get to see a movie where all the main characters are Asian.

I saw this at the Asian Film Fest here in LA last May. Its aims are admirable and a lot of amusing stereotypes are held up for display in this movie.

As a Hapa(half) Japanese American, I found this film to be a breath of fresh air. A big thank you goes out to those who made it.

I saw Hundred Percent during the Asian film fest at the Art Institute of Chicago some years ago. Using multiple plot lines and mixing humor with a bit of light drama, Hundred Percent was really a fun, entertaining movie, featuring the talents of Dustin Nguyen, Tamilyn Tomita, Garrett Wang, and others.
