Hudson Hawk
Hudson Hawk (1991)

Hudson Hawk

(52 votes)




Hudson Hawk is pulled along the Brooklyn Bridge by an ambulance.

When he breaks free, he exits the bridge in the left lane.

He ends up at the toll plaza for the Brooklyn Battery tunnel, which is about three miles away.

Hudson Hawk is given a brick of gold and a brick of lead while blindfolded, to demonstrate that they are indistinguishable by weight.

Gold is 70% denser than lead, and the weight difference would be easily noticed.

The gold brick would weigh about 30 pounds, but they handle it as if it weighs a couple of pounds.

They also mention that gold and lead differ by one proton on the periodic table of elements.

The difference is actually 3 protons and 7 neutrons.

In the Five-Tone Bar, soon after the coffee machine breaks down, at least one of the objects on the table disappears.

When Hudson Hawk gets out of the crate, the packing peanuts stuck to his face move around and change shape.

One of them is behind his ear when he looks out the window at the Coliseum.

In the adjoining scene when the Butler says, "Welcome to Rome," Hawk turns around and the Styrofoam piece behind his ear isn't there.

As Hudson is speaking with Anna on the couch, her dress jumps back onto her shoulder between shots.

After injecting Hawk's leg, the syringe the Almond Joy removes is just as full as when she started.

When Tommy and Eddie jump from the museum/auction house, the cables attached to their stuntmen were visible for a second.

When the Mario Brothers are chasing Hudson Hawk in the ambulance on the Brooklyn Bridge, the air fresheners hanging from the rearview mirror and the needles hanging from Antony Mario's face change.

Actor 'Carmine Zozzora' (qv)'s name is misspelled "Zozorra" in the closing credits.

When Tommy is quizzing Hudson Hawk on song lengths, he asks "National Anthem, Whitney Houston, Super Bowl 17?" Whitney Houston sang the National Anthem at Super Bowl 25.

Leslie Easterbrook, who played Callahan in the "Police Academy" movies, sang the National Anthem at Super Bowl 17.

As Hawk is riding the gurney behind the ambulance, the plastic IV bag on the gurney gets shot, but you hear glass shattering, as if the bag were an old-fashioned glass bottle.

In a subsequent shot, the IV bag is intact again.

When Anna is in the confessional, the priest forgets to give her absolution at the end of her confession, though he gives her penance.

When Eddie and Tommy are in the recorder room of the auction house, Tommy tells Eddie that they have about "5 minutes and change.

" Eddie says "5:32 - Swinging on a Star.

" The version of the song that they sing as they are robbing the auction house is (at best) only 2 minutes 36 seconds (less than half of the time for which they have planned).

When Hudson Hawk is being dragged behind the ambulance on the gurney, Cesar Mario shoots at him hitting the IV bag.

The IV bag is plastic but the sound effect is that of glass shattering.


Razzie Awards 1992

Razzie Award
Worst Actor
Worst Director
Worst Picture
Worst Picture of the Decade
Worst Screenplay
Worst Supporting Actor
Worst Supporting Actress

The Stinkers Bad Movie Awards 1991

Stinker Award
Worst Picture

Box Office

USA USD 17,218,080



Comic action film centering on crackerjack cat burglar Bruce Willis, fresh from prison, who is blackmailed into stealing priceless works of art by a psychotic wealthy couple (Richard A. Grant and Sandra Bernhard) lest they murder his best friend Danny Aeillo.

I'm not sure entirely why, but this movie is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. Almost every part of this movie just hit's me in the "Fun Zone" of my brain.

Saw this when it came out and could not believe how supposed professionals thought it was anything other than career ending. Lowest of the low are Richard E Grant and Sandra Bernhardt who are not even in the same movie.

To say that this film is crazy and silly from start to finish is an absolute understatement. Hudson Hawk (Bruce Willis) and Tommy Five-Tone (Danny Aiello) are cat burglars who are blackmailed on a mission to steal Renaissance artifacts that contain diamonds.

I'm reading these reviews and shaking my head.This is in the top five worst movies I've ever seen.

Ever since my favorite summer movie season of all time, 1989, I looked more forward to the summer blockbusters than Christmas time. While I was slightly disappointed in 1990's summer slate, I thought it might be an off-year.

Was everyone making this film on enough drugs to kill a herd of elephants because otherwise I have no explanations for it. This is so weird and zany and over the top.

Quite average movie on quality. On the one hand a plot amusing and sarcastic, on the other hand everything is executed at the level here is lower an average.
