Hot Ones: The Game Show
Hot Ones: The Game Show (2020)

Hot Ones: The Game Show

(14 votes)



Youtube is a hobbyists dumping ground and sucks and this show is proof of that.

Down right hilarious mate! Keep up the good work.

I think the YT series is wonderful but, I couldn't help but want my 30 minutes back (worse because it was recorded on DVR).I watched two episodes to see if maybe they changed something from the first episode, and even with the few changes it's not enough to keep me recording to fall asleep to.

"Bam!" You know, like the idiotic catchphrase Emeril *still* throws around?

I hate that this terrible show is potentially damaging the Hot Ones brand. The beauty of the YouTube series is the totally organic approach to both interviews and the consumption of hot wigs.

Been watching Hot Ones on YouTube for a few years now. Love the show, love Sean, love the format.

Yeah this shouldn't be a thing.. The YouTube show is incredible, but this misses the spot.

I'm a huge fan of Hot Ones. But....

This should never have become a game show.
