Hold That Hypnotist
Hold That Hypnotist (1957)

Hold That Hypnotist

(15 votes)





This is the 44th of 48 Bowery Boys movies. And, being one of the later ones, Leo Gorcey isn't in the film and was replaced by Stanley Clements as leader of the gang.

The last decade of Bowery Boy films are among the most beloved of all the films the gang had made. But be aware, after Leo Gorcey was fired, (his last film was Dig that Uranium) the seven remaining movies were not only a departure from the usual formula, they were weak, disjointed, and badly executed.

Motherly landlady Queenie Smith (as Kate Kelly) has been reading about reincarnation. Curious about her own past lives, Ms.

***SPOILERS*** The "Bowery Boys" get involved with a phony regression back to an other lifetime parlor act when their sweet Irish landlady Kate Kelly decides to get a lifetime or pre-lifetime reading, for $200,00, from shyster hypnotist and quack doctor Simon Nobel.Deciding to expose this fraud to the public Duke and the boys crashed a news conference held by Dr.

Hold That Hypnotist (1957) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Sach (Huntz Hall) and Duke (Stanley Clements) try to protect Ms. Kelly from a crooked hypnotist so they set out to prove that he's a fake.

It's not surprising that the Bridey Murphy phenomenon would turn up on the silver screen, even if it's only a low-budget Bowery Boys production. In 1956, a Pueblo, CO housewife claimed to have been "regressed" under hypnosis to a previous life as an Irish farm girl, complete with Irish brogue, etc.

"Hold That Hypnotist" is bottom barrel Bowery Boys. There are almost zero laughs in this movie.

One of the final Bowery Boys films when the only one left was Sach.When Louie died, he was played by Leo Gorcey's dad, the desire to keep making the films went out of Gorcey and some of the others.

The Bowery Boys tackle the past life regression fad that was popular in the '50s thanks to the Bridey Murphy book and film. This is the second movie in a row where the series tried something different from the rut it had been in for a long time.
