His Family Tree
His Family Tree (1935)

His Family Tree

(36 votes)




In an establishing shot, the legend is shown reading - POST OFFICE - CENTER CITY - IOWA and a date given in roman numerals - MXlXlll - which is impossible.



A strange little relic from the studio period where ethnicity, particularly of the Irish (or 'oirish') variety was considered box office gold. Not a good picture by any means, its plot includes the kidnapping and being held in a hotel room cliché beloved of early 30's pictures with a time constraint of either a political debate or The Big Game.

Most of the players in this wonderful comedy were not household names even in 1935, but that does not detract one bit from enjoying it, especially if you are Irish. The driving force of the film is that the Murphy's of Center City, Iowa, have changed their name to Murfree due to Marjorie Gateson's social climbing ambitions.

I have seen all sorts of ethnic films but never an ethnic Irish film.I have to say that most of this film just went straight over my head.
