Hired to Kill
Hired to Kill (1990)

Hired to Kill

(90 votes)





A fashion photographer (Brian Thompson) and seven models travel to a South American island fortress, ostensibly to do a fashion shoot. In reality, the photographer is a mercenary and their job is to free an imprisoned rebel leader.

You couldn't make it up. Except they did: it took two guys to write the story of Frank Ryan, a tough mercenary (played by the inimitable Brian Thompson) who's hired to rescue a foreign rebel leader, and does so by teaming up with a bevy of hot female agents and posing as a gay fashion photographer on a location shoot.

To the untrained, casual action film fan, this is just another run of the mill wannabe Arnie movie about a ruthless special guest star who is trying to take control of a country for one reason or another, so another special guest star hires a beefcake to help overthrow him.But the thing that makes this film standout just that little bit more from other straight to video movies is just how the the rag tag team get into the country....

No one can say Frank Ryan (Thompson) isn't awesome. As a badass mercenary, he plays by his own rules.

When I checked for the first time the IMDB page for HIRED TO KILL I was torn between curiosity and repulsion. Curiosity because it has lots of good looking women, lots of exotic locations and also George Kennedy and Josè Ferrer in the cast.

Some dingle berry and his band of lesbos must assassinate some revolutionary guy. Hired To Kill is a boring stupid slow paced sphincter.

Given his muscular frame and intense look, the always excellent Brian Thompson is usually found typecast in movies as the bad guy (Cobra and Mortal Kombat:Annihilation to name but two instances) so it came as a very pleasant and refreshing change to see him given the chance to play the hero role in this film.In it he plays Frank Ryan, a highly trained mercenary who is hired by a shady organisation (headed by George Kennedy) to rescue an imprisoned rebel leader from a (fictitious) country called Cypra, somewhere in the middle east.

I enjoyed director Nico Mastorakis' action packed "Nightmare at Noon", so when I found a copy of his action movie "Hired to Kill" in a thrift store, I bought it with the expectation I would be getting more of the same. Boy, was I surprised - and not in a good way.

There's plenty of eye-candy here (though Mastorakis had the brilliant idea to kill off the gorgeous babe Barbara Lee Alexander halfway through), and Brian Thomson gives a funny performance, playing the usual "macho" stereotype and spoofing it at the same time. As an action movie, however, "Hired to Kill" is unpretentious but absurd: there is no real action until the last 30 minutes...
