Haunter (2013)


(16 votes)




Fangoria Chainsaw Awards 2014

Chainsaw Award
Best Screenplay
Best Supporting Actor

Fantasporto 2014

International Fantasy Film Award
Best Film

Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival 2013

Narcisse Award
Best Feature Film

Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival 2013

Best of Puchon

SXSW Film Festival 2013

Audience Award
Midnight Films



I picked the Blu-ray of this movie from my local library more or less as random. Sometimes this way of choosing a movie can have you uncover an unknown gem.

I found this an incredibly good film. I wish I had found it sooner.

This is a supernatural movie with a unique and refreshing twist. So if you like supernatural or ghost movies then this will be a good movie for you!

(Spoilers are clearly labeled and bracketed)So I started watching this film as some background noise whilst doing some editing at home and i found my self being drawn in by it. I had one of those moments where I paused the film to go get a coffee and was overjoyed to find I wasn't even half way through (you can't tell me you've never experienced this, even when watching Interstellar or 2001 a Space Odessy which easily required 3 coffee breaks to contemplate what I had just witnessed).

The trailer may leave you with a taste of a Gothic horror, which Haunter is definitely not. Closest resemblance is probably Others, and I'd also name Saint-Ange and Awakening for some similarity in its atmosphere.

Supernatural thriller (not terror) that is basically a mix of Dark and The Others. It has a very interesting plot, but they failed to execute, resulting in an average film.

Actually the story of this movie is pretty spooky. The music and the cinematography scared me so often.

I am not sure why this doesn't have better reviews! I've seen Every scary/horror movie since the silent ones and I've gotta say this was very good.

A new point of view for a simple ghost story that keeps you guessing. 15 minutes into the movie, I thought I had it all figured out and then suddenly, a new twist!
