Gray Matters
Gray Matters (2006)

Gray Matters

(68 votes)




When Gray and Sam are riding in the cab driven by Gordy, the flag on the meter hasn't been pulled; you'll see this because the fare on the meter stays locked on 2.

00 The interior scene at Raoul's could not be Raoul's; there is a brass rail behind Gray and her dates, separating them from the bar area.

At Raoul's, no such brass rail exists.

When Gray gets out of Gordy's cab to have dinner at Raoul's, she does so at the intersection of Seventh Avenue and something; regardless of where that something is, it's not the SoHo intersection of Prince and Sullivan Streets.

In fact, that far south, Seventh Avenue is actually Varick Street.

When Gray is drinking tea, she keeps changing her grip on the yellow mug.



Those are the last movies i watched: "brothers" was about siblings arguing about the same lover. "fuera de carta" was about a difficult coming-out.

I wish I'd known more about this movie when I rented it. I'd put it in my queue on the basis of Heather Graham and her strong cred as an actress (IMHO).

The first half of the movie feels so rushed. Not just the single scenes that try to tell you want the movie is about and how close the two siblings are, but also the first half of the story feels just like a means to an end.

So actually I really didn't like the movie.. I don't like exaggeration in movies overall and I feel like the actress that played Gray overexaggerated to much.

This was, without doubt, the worst film I have ever seen in my entire life. No seriously.

It is important not to be insulted by lack of logic or common sense and those who have any "gray matters" will agree that this movie just doesn't work.The problems lay in the direction, cast selections and lack of depth in the character building.

I don't know why so many people seem to hate this movie; from the reviews, it seems they had no idea of what it was about before they watched it. As far as movies having to be 'believable', well, that isn't really what most cinema is about, now, is it.

Gray Matters is currently graded 5.7 on IMDb.

This is now officially my favorite movie!! Saw the movie last night at the International Film Festival in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
