Fast & Furious Spy Racers
Fast & Furious Spy Racers (2019)

Fast & Furious Spy Racers

(92 votes)



Alot of people are disappointed because this show doesn't have the original cast. But this show is a great add on story line is good and action is fine too my kids and I love this show..

Season 1Good story for younger audiences. Vibrant colors and great technical scenes.

First off, it's a rip-off from the first movie, story-wise, only that instead of a Brian-character, it's Tony (I can't recall any reference to a cousin in the past installments) who gets drafted by Dom (Which looks horribly animated btw!), then (Only got as far as to Ep 2½ then I said out loud to myself: "Ok, that's it - Bye bye!

I loved this and hoping for another season. Pedal to the medal and a great addition to the franchise.

I am trying to wrap my head around lately about many reviews. Shows like this get underrated heavily, while apocalyptic trash and reality junk gets huge ratings and overexaggerated hype.

It's ok for young kids, but at least Vin Diesel uses his real vice for his character! But I couldn't finish the first episode!

The only black main characters voice is insulting. There are enough black American actors to choose from, why make this character sound like Eddie Murphy in Norbit.

Good story for younger audiences. Vibrant colors and great technical scenes.
