Escape Plan: The Extractors
Escape Plan: The Extractors (2019)

Escape Plan: The Extractors

(11 votes)



I do not like the film, because it shows the unprofessional acting, the bad effects in the movie, where the production tried to make a good sequel to "Escape plan" - the first part, but failed.

Watched this and the 2nd one in one night and now I've wasted more than 3 hours of my life to this!The problem I had with this film was that they had to force the plot so much!

Truly truly awful. Nothing redeeming what so ever.

Nail-biting action movie blends suspense , thrills , twists and violent struggles . Regular but professionally shot by John Herzfeld with a fine cast , such as : Stallone , 50 Cent , Devon Sawa , Jaimie King , Jeff Chase , Daniel Bernhardt , Russell Wong .

This one is a nice entertaining movie. Just mindness action.

There storyline makes little sense and scenes don't transition well at all. Just a bunch of B-grade action that was very difficult to complete.

Its not bad at all. Very exciting and moves quick.

The first part was quite successful. Another terrible and this about the middle ground.

I think this is an average action movie. some good special effects, when someone fires a gun.
