eCupid (2011)


(21 votes)




Fort Worth Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival 2011

Audience Award
Best Feature Film

QCinema International Film Festival 2011

Audience Choice Award
Narrative Feature Film

Rio Festival De Gãsnero & Sexualidade No Cinema 2011

Jury Prize
Best LGBT Film



I recently watched this movie again, and now I understand it. Morgan Fairchild is God!

As someone else pointed out, this plot is a very predictable collection of romantic comedy clichés - with the minimal distinction that the leads are two men. It's equality in the sense that even lousy movies can be made for us, so that we as homosexuals can think of ourselves as more than clever or stylish, but as trite, boring, simplistic, absurd and illogical as "Who's That Girl," "My Bosses Daughter" or "All About Steve" - just think, that last movie, which got nominated as Worst Picture of 2009, with Bullock and Cooper as Worse Screen Couple (http://tinyurl.

I enjoyed this film a lot more than I thought I would. "eCupid" is a story about an unhappy boyfriend who downloads what I would consider a magical virus to his phone.

I sincerely hated this wretched movie. It was as bad as some of the straight rom-coms that have come out in the last ten years or so, films so horrendous that you wonder if the writers weren't brain dead or smoking crack.

It's difficult to evaluate this film. A relaxed romantic comedy, if well-executed, is welcome amongst LGBT films, which are often as angst-ridden as queer people's real lives too often are.

This is a good movie. It reminded me a bit of Prescience aka Intuitions.

These brainless dead "comedies" are the kind of films that sometimes makes me wonder why do I come to these film festivals. This is an excellent example of a wannabe film.

Just horrible. I won't state anything that hasn't already been said...

This film tells the story of a man who is having a seven year itch.This comedy is light hearted, slightly far fetched but really fun to watch.
