Creepozoids (1987)


(20 votes)




(at around 1 min) A harness can clearly be seen on the actor when the monster is supposedly holding up the guy as they are fighting.

Box Office

4 October 1987 USA USD 13,133
USA USD 13,133
4 October 1987 USA USD 13,133 6
4 October 1987 USA USD 13,133 6



As it was in the "Return of the living dead" ( do you remerber her ? completely naked ) this little girl is the attractive in this film !

"Shake it more than three times and 'yer whacking' it!" Creepozoids (1987)The obscure fact that I can still remember the name of long-defunct video label (Colourbox) must surely be a towering testament to one of their more spectacularly suck-free Sci-fi/exploitation titles they released back in the 80s DTV boom, no doubt my memory being more than effectively tweaked by the preternaturally perky, terminally top-popping presence of juicy-jugged wet dream, the wonderfully wide-screen scream queen Linnea Quigley!

1998. World War III has reduced the planet into a dangerous wasteland complete with acid rain.

Yep the shower scene was the best about this, and the huge rats attack scenes were funny! Aside from that I have wasted a whole hour of my life on sci-fi garbage production!

"Shake it more than three times and 'yer whacking' it!" Creepozoids (1987)The obscure fact that I can still remember the name of long-defunct video label (Colourbox) must surely be a towering testament to one of their more spectacularly suck-free Sci-fi/exploitation titles they released back in the 80s DTV boom, no doubt my memory being more than effectively tweaked by the preternaturally perky, terminally top-popping presence of juicy-jugged wet dream, the wonderfully wide-screen scream queen Linnea Quigley!

I somehow won this tape off a radio station years ago, and after having it sit in a storage box since The Reagan Years, I decided to give it a look again recently. Bad Mistake.

It's the not so distant "future" (1998, to be exact) and Earth has been decimated by nuclear wars. What's left is a barren wasteland, not that we ever get to see it.

A name that rings a bell for so many reasons, Creepozoids. It's remembered for the wrong reasons.

This film to me is like another film, Rats: Night of Terror in that it is set in a kind of post apocalyptic world. It is also like, Forbidden World as the creature may be some sort of experiment gone out of control.
