CI5: The New Professionals
CI5: The New Professionals (1998)

CI5: The New Professionals

(12 votes)


All seasons

CI5: The New Professionals - Season 1

Season 1



Circa 1978 a TV show arrived and was well written, well acted and well directed called The Professionals I implore anyone interested in this show, not to judge this reboot as credible. Please do your own due diligence and invest effort on the classic BBC version.

CI5: The New Professionals was a series which most fans waited for since the original's demise in the early 1980s.

The original late 70s / early 80s "Professionals" was all British, politically incorrect, often mindless and frequently placed more emphasis on gunfights and loud explosions than it did on character development. Yet strangely this was part of its appeal and it was (and still is) hugely popular all over the world.

I had the misfortune of coming across this one boring evening. The two leading characters are totally characterless, Edward Woodward is not much better, and having a pretty gun toting female cannot save it.

Apparently, CI5 is no longer hiring members from the police or armed forces, and has started recruiting at modelling agencies. The plot-lines are ludicrous, the scripts are laughable and the cast, supposedly portraying the dangerous, highly-trained peak of global law enforcement, have all the menace of rice pudding and are about as attractive.

Whilst not as good as the old series this is considerably better than anything currently showing on British tv.The scripts vary in quality but when they work they are superb.

Oh dear, what an extravaganza in over acting. The characters have a depth a puddle wouldn't envy, and the cringe factor was of the chart.

I cannot agree with Jack Yan, l have just seen the New Professionals 2006, and l thought that the stories were good, strong, and very much for the 90's/00. Edward Woodward was very good and was always in command (originally Lewis Collins was earmarked for this role pity it did not happen) Collin Wells and Kal Webber did a great job, a very difficult job as well as everyone compared them to Bodie & Doyle, l think had the series ran longer they would have got better, Miss Backus (Backup in the series) was excellent and had many great parts as did Adrian Irvine...

Hello I am a fan of this series and as they are not releasing it on DVD, was wondering if anyone has copies of all the episodes they produced and are willing to trade for something? I am based in the UK.
