Chelsea Does
Chelsea Does (2016)

Chelsea Does

(23 votes)




Golden Trailer Awards 2016

Golden Trailer
Best Comedy TV Series Poster
Best Documentary TV Spot


Chelsea Does is a completely standout escape from what she is known to do. When compared to Uganda Be Kidding Me (2014), also produced by Netflix, Chelsea Does is a major breakthrough in a career of someone who now states to be more mature and aware of her position in the world than before, someone who is now "thinking globally and acting globally".

You should definitely watch it, its a comedy as well as a documentary so.. what could possibly go wrong.

Netflix hits us again.this time with a beautifully made Documentary.

We watched the first episode of Chelsea Handler's new series on Netflix. It's kind of a personal documentary series, and the first one is "Chelsea Does Marriage.

It has a 1 star average on Netflix from actual viewers. Not funny, pretty stupid, a bunch of degenerate dull nonsense.

Well I am not a fan of Chelsea, but this show is worth to watch. It's fun.

This is not a documentary. To be fair, I'm not easily entertained or pleased, I want the stuff I'm spending my time on to provide some kind of cerebral and/or sensory stimulation, to surprise me with refreshing perspectives.
