Castle in the Ground
Castle in the Ground (2019)

Castle in the Ground

(61 votes)



Toronto International Film Festival 2019

Best Canadian Feature Film

Windsor International Film Festival 2019

WIFF Prize in Canadian Film


A silence filled the room after viewing this film. A silence that could only be coming from that of a recovered addict.

To make a film about the drug abuse in america. this film comes in the line of many others issued lately, with the only difference that youll leave the caracters on the initial stage.

I have 0 doubt in my mind the '10 star reviews' are from people involved with this movie in some way. There is no way any person on earth enjoyed this movie let alone thought it was a 10 star film.

There are some movies that just destroy your will to live (in a good way - sort of). 'Castle in the Ground' is one of those films.

Had potential but fell way short. No point and no ending and I wanted my time back.

If your looking for Hollywood,bright lights, glorified dope fiend flik, go elsewhere.. This film is the real deal, story rings true for millions of families ravaged & ruined by Opioid addiction.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the truth. It's no "Requiem For A Dream", but close.

Henry (Alex Wolff) is a good Jewish boy caring for his often in pain stage 4 mother. He promises to go to school after she dies.

Neve Campbell does an excellent job, the rest of the cast does the best they can with the script given. Predictable story that takes waaaay too long to wade through.
