Caesar (2000)


(5 votes)




I can't believe how dull they managed to make Caesar and his life. I'm a big fan of Julius Caesar and have studied his life and this film left out so many important people and events.

This movie hurt to watch, as a result i was not able to stomach watching all of it. once i reached the point of Pompey's return.

I have been disappointed by this movie. It is a stupid American interpretation of the historical events.

JULIUS CAESAR is a dull, lengthy TV movie exploring the origins and eventual downfall of Rome's first Emperor. It's a familiar tale and the only things this cheap-looking version has going for it is a cast of Hollywood stars appearing in various supporting roles.

I've got to say that I love my historical sword and sandal dramas - and with Richard Harris and Christopher Walker in it, I was prepared to overlook the fact that this was cannibalised from a two-part mini-series with more investors than you can shake a stick at. Unfortunately, their choice in the title role - Jeremy Sisto - singularly failed to carry off the role.

Those responsible have tried to cram into less the 3 hours the story of Julius Caesar and havent done too bad a job, but had it been longer it could well have been better. If you are familiar with your history, there are a number of inaccuracies, as others have mentioned and the fight scenes arent particularly good.

First of all: the trailer IMDB is showing on top of this page is not a right one; it's one from a very old movie instead.

Made for TV movies are generally looked down upon, and rightly so, many of them are not as finely crafted as this one. I was quite pleasantly surprised by this film, it has a few inaccuracies, such as the non-existent Crasus who was a part of the triumvirate, however, other than this, i found it quite delightful.

Oh my gosh. I love this movie.
