Boom Bust Boom
Boom Bust Boom (2015)

Boom Bust Boom

(46 votes)





Greetings again from the darkness. On the heels of Adam McKay's scathing and entertaining explanation of the 2008 financial collapse comes Terry Jones (of Monty Python fame) with a more global perspective of the same era.

It was an enjoyable hour but by no means was it groundbreaking. For someone who is not intimately acquainted with economics Boom Bust Boom could be an enjoyable lighthearted crash course in the 2008 recession and a few other basic economic theories/concepts.

OK, so maybe you have to be an economist (like me) or a financial analyst to enjoy this 70 minute trip through the periodic financial crises (like the one in 2008) that seem to plague capitalism, but I believe any educated person interested in the causes and after-effects of the 2008 crisis can enjoy this film. It's an interesting combination of animation, puppetry, and original songs that's melded with serious commentary by a number of well-known and influential economists including three Nobel Prize winners.

This was a pretty good retelling of the financial crisis and told it in an interesting way, which is sure to please regular folks who aren't all that into these matters.The illustrations were good, overall very nice production value.

I don't know anything about economics but I found this program very interesting and definitely entertaining! At times if I stopped paying attention I got slightly lost, but it explained things in multiple ways to make it easier to understand.

I found it pretty telling that all the people involved in this project could so easily—and condescendingly—criticize everyone involved (directly or indirectly) in various boom-bust cycles throughout history, but not one could provide a single alternate solution. Sure, some alluded to gauzy notions of a better way forward, but none were brave enough to provide even a single detail of their master plan.
