Blood of Zeus
Blood of Zeus (2020)

Blood of Zeus

(10 votes)



Another Zeus "side child" (cannot use the 'B' word due to community guild line) story, not the best not the worst, in short, not worth the time.=Ok animation very noticeable reuse shots bad pacing mediocre story telling cliche story, no surprise, nothings new, you can tell the whole story with a glance of the title.

Another Netflix's original, which seem to always fall into one of three slots good, bad or very average."Blood of Zeus" is a solidly "average" anime.

Blood Of Zeus has cheap animation, and bland generic story that pastiched directly from Percy Jackson. Actually this movie is exactly like Percy Jackson minus anything good.

After first episode it seems like it will be a interesting show.

The main character is a bit of a Gary stu but the portrayal of the Olympian gods and the twists/additions to the mythology are refreshing.

The animation and build up of the story is ok. But what I do not like is the depiction of Goddess Hera.

One more endlessly boring, plotless Netflix. I hoped that after 3d Castlevania they will review their animation approach.

I really waited for this series, but damn cant even finish the series without scrolling past certain scenes. Why the gods are so dumb?

Animation is decent, as well as the story. It's not a masterpiece but its quite entertaining still.
