Blonde Dynamite
Blonde Dynamite (1950)

Blonde Dynamite

(31 votes)





You have to hand it to Leo Gorcey. When he dreams, he dreams big.

WITH SO MANY convoluted elements and twisting turning plot being included, it would seem that this BOWEERY BOYS deserved to be an "A" Picture film. At least Slip, Sach, Gabe, Louie, Chuck, Whitey and Butch should have been allotted the increased running time of an "A".

By1950 the Bowery Boys were already among moviedom's oldest "teens," but incredibily the series lasted for another 6 years and more than 20 movies, with the scripts getting increasingly sillier and the plots more far fetched. This is a pretty good entry in the series, and at times feels like it could've been almost a conventional B crime picture, instead of a Bowery Boys vehicle.

Slip (Leo Gorcey) has a scheme. He wants to start his own escort service.

Well I finally figured out that each weekly Saturday morning presentation of a Bowery Boys flick on Turner Classics is being presented in order of their original release date. Makes it convenient for planning purposes if you want to see a particular show as long as the trend continues.

Blonde Dynamite (1950) ** 1/2 (out of 4) The boys are able to talk Louie (Bernard Gorcey) into taking a much needed vacation to Coney Island. Once gone Slip (Leo Gorcey) turns his ice cream parlor into an escort service and soon he gets himself mixed up with a couple gangsters wanting to use the place to tunnel underground to the bank next door.

***SPOILERS*** With a burnt out Louie Dombrowski going together with his charming and two ton wife Sarah on a well earned, the first in six years, weeks vacation in far off Conley Island Slip Sash and the rest of the Bowery Boys Chuck Whitey & Butch are given the job to look after Louie's Sweet Shop while he's away.Truning the Sweet Shop into a male escort service Slip thinks that he'll make big money in him and his boys getting women to pay big bucks to be able to spend the evening with them.

Whenever blonde bombshell Adele Jergens shows up, you know there's a scam not far behind. In this case, she's the girlfriend of Gabriel Dell, pal of the Bowery Boys, but smart enough to get a job in a bank.

After wise-guy Leo Gorcey (as Terence Aloysius "Slip" Mahoney) and hair-brained Huntz Hall (as Horace De Bussy "Sach" Jones) spy a beautiful woman exiting an "escort service", they decide to answer the call for "Male Escorts Wanted - must be handsome, intelligent, cultured"; but, the business throws them out on the street. Undaunted, Mr.
