Baghdad Central
Baghdad Central (2020)

Baghdad Central

(10 votes)



Just couldn't capture me I don't know why but it just seemed to drag to the point I decided to give up after episode 3 it wasn't acted poorly I think the story itself and the writing were probably the main issues for me just far to slow.

This is a UKB crime drama developed for English languague broadcast TV there are issues, but I found it well paced and very watchable.I'm always pleased to see a director post here.

As an Iraqi who worked with the coalitions forces, this drama talk about event happened only on Mars!

Prior to the invasion/liberation of Iraq Muhsin al-Khafaji was an inspector in Saddam Hussein's police force now everything has changed and he is out of a job. He wasn't a supporter of the old regime but was a party member as it was a requirement of his position now it disqualifies him.

I loved the show and I only gave my review cause obviously we want a 2nd season, please.

A funny TV series.. Bunch of lies and deceiving..

I don't get it! Great show, great story and great actors BUT why they turned the FRANK TEMPLE into a caricature?
