Angels in America: Part I - Millennium Approaches
Angels in America: Part I - Millennium Approaches (2017)

Angels in America: Part I - Millennium Approaches

(43 votes)



Angels in America is up there with the greatest works ever written for the theatre, but this NT production is seriously sub-standard in many respects. While the brilliance of Kushner's work shines through, this is nevertheless a limp, one-note, caricature-filled interpretation of his plays(s), unimaginatively designed, and directed, for the most part, like a middling sit-com.

What a thoroughly excellent production of Angels this NT Live broadcast showed us. I wish I had seen it in person.

Eight hours in a theatre (or in this case my two favourite cinemas; The Cameo in Edinburgh for Part 1 and The Hippodrome in Bo'ness for Part 2) is a daunting prospect, especially when the subject matter threatens to overwhelm you emotionally.In fact it is a breeze because the writing of Tony Kushner and the direction of Marianne Elliot (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night) pepper this doomsday epic with both humour and beauty (in staging, lighting, sound and movement – it's a technical masterpiece throughout).

The screenplay and acting performances are just shocking. Not a single actor of the ensemble cast gives a bad acting.

I usu don't rate stuff...i leave it to the rest of the commentators.
