Andy Hardy's Dilemma: A Lesson in Mathematics - And Other Things
Andy Hardy's Dilemma: A Lesson in Mathematics - And Other Things (1940)

Andy Hardy's Dilemma: A Lesson in Mathematics - And Other Things

(14 votes)




Fans of the Andy Hardy movies will want to see this interesting short about giving to charity. The set-up has Judge Hardy about to donate to the Community Chest but Andy thinks it'd be a better idea to spend the money on buying him a new car.

This public service short, made to raise funds for Los Angeles charities, uses the two main characters from the enormously popular Andy Hardy film series. Here, as so often happened in the feature films, Andy (Mickey Rooney) gets a lesson from his father the judge (Lewis Stone) about doing the right thing.

Andy Hardy's Dilemma (1938) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Andy (Mickey Rooney) wrecks his car so he asks the Judge (Lewis Stone) for two-hundred bucks so that he can get a new one. The Judge was planning on donating that money to charity so he must convince Andy that needy people need the money more.

Andy Hardy gets his answer in this public service short that appears to have been used as a fund raiser for the Los Angeles Community Chest back in 1940. I wasn't quite sure what direction the story was going when Andy (Mickey Rooney) and his Dad the Judge (Lewis Stone) detoured the first time to the day nursery.
