All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (2011)

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

(16 votes)



Broadcasting Press Guild Awards 2012

Broadcasting Press Guild Award
Best Documentary Series



Big ideas. At some point though, I began to feel that the narrator is manipulating information to conform to his conclusions.

Like other reviewers I feel that Curtis failed to tie all the events described in All Watched Over by Machines into a coherent hole.The documentary argues that ideological beliefs have a significant impact on historical and political outcomes, but looks like money has had a greater impact on historical events described than any set of ideological beliefs political influence and influential scientists may have ever had.

I am a fan or Mr. Curtis' previous work but this documentary series was a disappointment for me.

An excellent series with important messages (including: an imagined potential for systems to liberate us, ended up controlling us). It's Wikipedia page is informative.

ALL WATCHED OVER MY MACHINES OF LOVING GRACE is a documentary purporting to explain the negative impact of computers and computer thinking on our society. But as this is Adam Curtis making it the result is a documentary that ranges from gorillas in the Congo to Ayn Rand rather than taking a straight A-Z.

This miniseries claims to be about machines and how our use of them and misinterpretation of them has not led to the positive results we'd expected.And of course this is true.

Adam Curtis' recent documentary series disappointed some. Compared to his work on The Century Of The Self and The Power Of Nightmares, it seemed hodge podge, lacking a central framework idea and bouncing all over the place.

I agree with a lot of what has been written about this documentary, but I think some people miss the point. The documentary starts out being almost a Terminator inspired sub-title "The rise of the machines" and describes all the evil machines, but at the end the conclusion is *we* are the machines, the our DNA is the program.

I generally watch documentaries based upon the topic or theme e.g.
