A Call Girl
A Call Girl (2009)

A Call Girl

(29 votes)



International Cinematographers' Film Festival Manaki Brothers 2009

Golden Camera 300

Les Arcs European Film Festival 2009

Best Actress Prize

Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2010

Jury Award
Best Eastern Bloc Cinema

Slovene Film Festival 2009

Best Supporting Actor

Valencia Festival of Mediterranean Cinema 2009

Best Actress

Warsaw International Film Festival 2009

Grand Prix


This film on the life of a college student doubling up as a call girl is watchable but not particularly moving. First of, the girl went into prostitution not to support her college education, but to maintain a flat in a choice location.

It's Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Aleksandra/Sasha is from a small town studying English.

Although the main plot is enough, I enjoyed the subplot of Edo getting his band back together. I've been unaware how popular '70's American music is with baby-boomer Slovenes.

A 23 year old Slovenian girl, originally from a small town there but now studying at the university in the capital of Ljubljana, supplements her life as a student with stints as a prostitute (to show how distasteful her job is, the filmmakers have all her clients to be fat and/or old). One of them is a famous politician, and when he dies of a heart attack when he was in a hotel room with her, she flees not before telling the police.

Obviously, SLOVENIAN GIRL director Damjan Kozole adheres closely to the Lars von Trier school of filmmaking: make the viewing experience as unpleasant at possible for the watcher. While a plot about an under-supported coed making her way through her higher learning by dabbling in the elder professions has been pulled off loads of times in an interesting fashion (CITY ISLAND comes first to mind among movies contemporary to SLOVENIAN GIRL), it usually requires an erotic element to nail such a story down.

Irregular película donde, y a pesar de lo que pueda sugerir el cartel promocional, el interés no se encuentra en la representación y crítica del sórdido mundo de la prostitución, sino en la metáfora que destila su título original y nombre "artístico" de la meretriz protagonista: Slovenka (Eslovenia). La trama transcurre por bastantes lugares comunes habituales del cine crítico con la prostitución: clientes grotescos, soledad, proxenetas sin escrúpulos; algunos elementos llegan a ser excesivamente patéticos y faltos de verosimilitud como sin duda el episodio en el que se topa como cliente con un amigo íntimo de su padre.

Nada novedoso para plantearnos, subrepticiamente, que el mundo post-soviético fracasó. No importa.

Slovenka is the name used in ads by Aleksandra to hook up with men for money. She is a twenty three year old college student studying English, and like many girls around the world, finds it a way to pay her tuition.
