9-1-1: Lone Star
9-1-1: Lone Star (2020)

9-1-1: Lone Star

(66 votes)



Leave it to backwards PC California to make a show about a city in a state where Californians are flocking to. They pick every popular PC stero type to throw into this show.

As other reviewers have said, the plot line is predictable, it pushes a political agenda as well as overwhelms you with diversity to a point where it just appears they tried way too hard. Not to mention the CAMERA QUALITY DRIVES ME UP THE WALL.

This show is really bad. I love the original 911 show so I hoping that this one was just as good...

Look I'm all for shows being diverse because why wouldn't they be but when it's thrown in your face constantly it gets boring and that's what this show consists off. The plots are boring they have established actors in Rob Lowe and liv Tyler as the main stars but both of them do not give a great performance in the episodes the dialogue is really corny the conversations between characters don't seem natural I know these type of shows have to ham it up with drama but it don't come across natural and it feels like a cheesy soap opera and compared to original 9-1-1 which is a solid show this just feels like a more lazy version.

Worse show on TV, deleted from my queue. They are not even filming in Texas.

I live in Austin and this show makes Austin seem like the exact opposite of what it is. Austin is weird.

Ignore negative comments written by LGBT-phobic people... Lone Star has better plots, is more fun, diverse and focused on what matters.

It would've been better if they called it 911-Central Texas. when was the last time a Tornado (can't remember what EF it was supposedly on the show) blew through Downtown or South Austin?

I like the show, but I noticed in episode 7 that the Texas Flag in the fire house is hung backward. When displaying vertically, the white side goes on the left.
