8 Days That Made Rome
8 Days That Made Rome (2017)

8 Days That Made Rome

(27 votes)




Keeps reminding of how "violent", corrupted and degenerated roman society was, apparently forgetting that you cannot apply today's metric to a civilization of 2k years ago. Why bother mentioning Rome's contribution to civilize Europe, between wn one massacre and the other?

Woke propaganda hell-bent on denigrating a great civilization.

This British academic would actually be quite a titillating (pardon the pun) addition to any suburban community college. However, in the role in which she is cast as a scholarly purveyor of all things ancient roman, she fails, as does the network in its questionable choice of her employ.

Another series by Bettany but not quite up to the mark. There seems to be a distinct bias here against the Romans.

I've only seen three episodes of this series so far and Bettany Hughes has produced far better historical documentaries than this. The overall production is sloppy, one example being that Pompey, although six years older than Caesar is played by an actor that looks younger.

A fairly superficial coverage of significant events in Roman history.. I don't think I learnt anything new at all, and I thought the dramatisations a bit simplistic, and quite unnecessary.

Use of background historical sites and scenes very good. Foreground very good too...

Why do documentary makers have to include constant music and even play it over the narration? Also, this has pointless dramatizations to illustrate battles, or somebody being killed etc.

I hope this series gets recognition for excellence that it deserves. This was a fascinating journey through time and history unlike any television experience that I can remember.
