24: Legacy
24: Legacy (2016)

24: Legacy

(10 votes)




Golden Trailer Awards 2017

Golden Trailer
Best Action (TV Spot / Trailer /Teaser for a Series)
Best Sound Editing (TV Spot/Trailer/Teaser for a Series)



I gave it a two and then change the rating to a one after episode nineIt was just so dumb boring and obvious.Actors sucked.

The writing was atrocious as was the acting. Watched every episode of the kiefer sutherland series but only managed 20 minutes of the 2nd episode of the legacy season.

I was a big fan of the action. I loved it.

True, it is not at the level of real 24 - but so mainly because of "not-so-catchy" performances and excessive characters. Jimmy Smits was the only one really known to me (and he does well here as well), Corey Hawking is not bad - but still not Kiefer Sutherland...

The original series with smart lead agent keifer and dumb as new agent, who is a ranger, should know better and is totally horrible as a role, totally ruined the series, will never watch another one.... episode 7 was the absolute worst.

I have a bad habit of only writing a review on movies or series that have totally wasted some part of my life. This is one of those series.

I never watched the original but I watched this one because I'm a huge fan of Corey Hawkins and he did not disappoint. I was quite entertained from the 1st episode to the last.

24 was and will remain to be one the best TV shows. The thrill, excitement, and emotion that Kiefer Sutherland brought to the screen was a class apart.
