2:22 (2016)


(20 votes)



Australian Production Design Guild Awards 2017

APDG Award
Best Set Decoration a Feature Film


I expected a corny new age crime flick, in the kind of the thousands we watch since fifteen years now, in the Tarantino and Coen Bros style, with humour and all the crap stories that go with...The tale is sometimes weird, with some subplots - I mean characters I don't exactly get what they are doing here.

How did this thing go through all the steps from brainstorming and writing the script to getting released? It makes absolutely no sense, it doesn't really go anywhere.

Ok...the movie is watchable for most part.

Starts strong, builds suspense... but then it goes off the rails somewhat and devolves into more of a ho-hum predictable plot.

Based on the first 20 minutes of this movie i thought i was in for an 8/10 film. you're pulled right into the main character's world, the editing is tight, it's fascinating, and the music is great.

This movie is so full of scientific errors alone that it made my stomach turn. This movie is a perfect example of what happens when idiots try to make an intelligent, thought provoking movie.

Tomorrow, takes some thought, good imagery, not an action, good acting. Worth a watch.

I liked the 2 lead actors and after reading the description I had such high hopes that were such a let down. The movie had some strong points such as the directing and cinematography, however the acting was just ok and the plot took a complete nose dive.

Beautiful cast, decent acting, nice cinematography. Story was enjoyable enough.
