Ellen Muth



Not only is Ellen an actress but she is a member of Mensa, a student at the Lee Strasberg School, drives and races a six speed SS and collects Burmese cats. Her awards include Best Actress at the AFI for _The Young Girl and the Monsoon . Her father, Dr. Erich Muth, was national optician of the year, has an entire museum named after him, has written numerous books on optics from which he donates the profits to The Erich Muth Scholarship; there is a section in the Smithsonian Museum donated by him. Her mother, Rachel Muth, helped make it possible for Ellen to be an actress, by taking her to all her auditions until she was 18.

  • Primary profession
  • Actress·director
  • Country
  • United States
  • Nationality
  • American
  • Gender
  • Female
  • Birth date
  • 06 March 1981
  • Place of birth
  • Milford· Connecticut
  • Education
  • Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute




First ABC TV appearance was in 1994 as "Laura" on the soap opera, "All My Children" .

Last name pronounced "Myooth" (like youth).

Received a full scholarship to "The Lee Strasberg Institute" by Marlo Thomas.

Has played characters named Georgia twice - first in Dead Like Me as Georgia Lass and then as Georgia Madchen in Hannibal, both shows created by Bryan Fuller.


I feel most comfortable playing and creating characters who are least,like myself.

I hope the film will help mothers and fathers to be aware that 15 is a,very vulnerable age.

First, I used some of my own experiences and observations from attending,a public high school. Secondly, I joined in some Internet chat rooms,for gays and lesbians.

Ever since I was a little kid, whenever my parents would have company,over, I would put on shows, whether they would be magic shows, singing,shows, dancing shows, little skits.

This season is a lot funnier, not as dark, mainly because, well, she has,accepted the fact that she is dead. She knows she cannot go back to,where she was when she was alive.

Things that go on at Happy Times are very funny this year, and if you,were watching last year, some of the people you saw then as basically,extras emerge as real characters in their own right this season, at,least to some degree.

Oddly, because she has that confidence, the people around her like her,more. She becomes more a part of the Reaper family, and she also is,able to get along with people more outside of their circle as well.
