Xanthippe Augerot
Xanthippe AugerotAtlas of Pacific Salmon

Atlas of Pacific Salmon

(8 votes)
Atlas of Pacific Salmon

The First Map-Based Status Assessment of Salmon in the North Pacific

Pacific salmon inhabit a vast ecosystem that encompasses the rivers within and the ocean between coastal countries.


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I was impressed by this book. Wonderful layout.
This is an excellent overview of the issue of salmon management in the wider Pacific. It's a great perspective because, at least in my experience, salmon consideration is so often based around land-based geographic locations and that does not give enough credit to the duration and scope involved in a salmon's oceanic lives (which is the major part of certain species lives)!.
This book is beautifully illustrated with photographs, illustrations, and the most detailed distribution maps I have ever seen. The design of the book makes it a perfect coffee top book and it's content makes it both a perfect introduction to the world of salmon while at the same time a valuable scientific reference.
The Atlas of Pacific Salmon is what all universities and government agencies needed 20 years ago. I dare say, it was almost worth the wait.
