Todd Bentley
Todd BentleyThe Journey into the Miraculous

The Journey into the Miraculous

(30 votes)
The Journey into the Miraculous

Do you believe in miracles? Do you want to believe in miracles? There will be no doubt in your mind after reading the testimonies of people worldwide who have experienced healing and revival through the grace and mercy of God.

About Todd Bentley

Christian evangelist.


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Great, Good, Great.
This is a God breathed book and the revelations in it are priceless. If you value life changing pearls of revelation buy this book.
Todd Bentley has never been able to prove one miraculous healing. He is a manipulator and showman.
WOW....what a total blessing.
This book was purchasedfor a friend and her response was, I really love this book.
Todd is an example who is obedient enough to go through things that brought about purification. As you can see God uses him in miraculous ways.
I think all the critics who don't believe we are having revival should read this book. You cannot doubt Todd's credibility!!
I ordered this book of of Amazon in early April. I had not ever heard of Todd Bentley...
Todd Bentley is a documented false prophet - the evidence for this (and much worse) is in full view for only that will research. Not only this but he cannot keep his own story straight and frequently contradicts even himself.
