Sam Masters
Sam MastersChina Dogs

China Dogs

(54 votes)
China Dogs

Cujo meets The Manchurian Candidate in this propulsive thriller set in Miami, in which a special ops soldier must uncover a deadly threat to nation security: a nefarious plot using man’s best friend as a deadly weapon.

About Sam Masters

Motocycle race rider.

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This plot is a stretch although it will probably keep you reading. BUT IF YOU ARE A DOG LOVER this is a novel you'll want to skip.
I received a copy of this book for a honest review of this book. There were times I slept with the lights on reading this book.
David's Review: This is the first book I have read from author Sam Masters and I anticipate it will not be my last. China Dog was a thrilling read that was extremely fast paced with its short chapters and multiple POV.
**I received a copy of this book for a honest review of this book.** 5 Awesome stars, I actually like reading thriller's with a hint of romance, and this book had it all.
I think this book is severely underrated and under read. It is a very great book.
DISCLAIMER #1: I have said it before and I will say it again and again when I review thrillers/mystery/suspense/horror books... I review books according to how I feel after I read it.
