Twaddletons Cheese

Twaddletons Cheese

(20 votes)
Twaddletons Cheese

Things turn sour when the town of Twaddleton becomes obsessed with the cheese making business. Up to their noses in fermenting curd, the Twaddletoneez have to find some way to get rid of their overly abundant dairy product before it stinks out the town.

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After reading the other reviews, I got T.C.
I bought this book early this year at Jetpack Comics for my son and it has become his new favorite book. The story is great and the art work keeps the parent interested while amusing the child.
The artwork is distinct, sophisticated and very funny. My son loves the rhyming and I love reading it for the laughs.
An entertaining, fun twist on the "man-in-the-moon" and the moon being made of cheese. Higgins' rough-edges lines work well with the rough-edged humor, and the discombobulated town residents.
