Robert Michael Pyle
Robert Michael PyleWhere Bigfoot walks

Where Bigfoot walks

(20 votes)
Where Bigfoot walks

crossing the dark divide.

About Robert Michael Pyle

Robert Michael Pyle is a lepidopterist and a professional writer who has published twelve books and hundreds of papers, essays, stories and poems. He has a Ph.D. from the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University. He founded the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation in 1974.


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Great book.
For a book entitled 'Where Bigfoot Walks' I would have expected more about Bigfoot. The author has written a book mostly concerning his experiences in the Cascades wilderness with a few sporadic musings about the legendary creature thrown in.
As many others have said, this book is a true waste of time if you are looking for answers about Sasquatch. If you want to walk naked with a tree hugger, city dude who shouldn't be in the woods.
I found this book interminable. I often found myself thinking, "Get ON with it, already!
This is an absolutely delightful book. Robert Michael Pyle, a naturalist (and very gifted writer), received a Guggenheim grant and used it to support a cross-country trek across Washington State's Dark Divide, down to the Columbia River, in search of Bigfoot.
Face it, if you are looking for a book "about" Bigfoot, it is necessarily going to be slim. With no definitive proof that Bigfoot exists - no data to analyze, no pictures, no fossils, no bodies - the basic gist of purportedly "scientific" Bigfoot books boils down to a lot of speculating about second hand information.
Intersting book, the book keeps you thinking, Rober Michael Pyle makes you feel that you are on the Journey with him. A big plus for this book.
As somewhat of a skeptic, but still keeping an open mind, I enjoy topics such a `bigfoot' when they're written intelligently and with a base of reason. As for "Where Bigfoot Walks", I should've looked at other reviews of this book a bit more, but when Midwest book review stated things like "...
If you're looking for stuff about bigfoot(s),look elsewhere. (Sanderson's and Green's books are the best.
If you are a "Bigfoot Believer", a "Cryptid Connoisseur", or looking for photographs of huge hominids emerging from UFO's with Greys looking on, this ain't your book. If you are a regular person who loves nature and is intrigued by a good tale of "What If", this IS your book and you'll love it.
I forgot to mention that if you're looking for good books on Bigfoot or Sasquatch, you start with Dr. John Bindernagel's 1998 summary, "North America's Great Ape: the Sasquatch" (available from Beachcomber Books in Courtney, B.
As a well-travelled and experienced Canadian naturalist who has seen most forms of rare wildlife on the continent, including the ghostly Kermode bear, I give this book a fat zero for content. The new insights and personal stories from others that Pyle adds to the record are simply not worth looking for in this verbose piece of crap.
This book is a total bore. Only a couple of pages that holds your attention.
Nice read, thoughtful, and provocative. As a psychiatrist I was interested in his ideas about what bigfoot symbolizes and why people obscess about this myth and the fact that until seeing this creature is a group experience, it will be considered a hallucination or projection.
In this book you will take a trip through some of America's last unexplored wilderness. The Author takes you on his travels hiking thru the forested wilderness in Washington State in an honest attempt to seek out the animal Bigfoot.
