Learning From Divorce

Learning From Divorce

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Learning From Divorce

How to Take Responsibility, Stop the Blame, and Move On

"Learning from Divorce, " by Christine A. Coates and E. Robert LaCrosse, is a practical book that will help you rid yourself of negative feelings of guilt and worry and replace them with positive feelings of growth and hope.

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I sent this book to my x- husband .... Very good self help book to help you get through the pain of divorce.
All too often when people separate or divorce they see it as catastrophic and the end of everything as it has been. They allow it to hold them back and get stuck in the anger, hurt, devestation and blaming.
Psychoanalyst Freud describes in his psychoanalytic theory of "repetition-compulsion," our tendency to re-enact earlier experiences for the mind to heal itself of trauma. Philosopher Santayana reminds us that those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
