Richard Smart
Richard SmartSunlight into wine

Sunlight into wine

(8 votes)
Sunlight into wine

a handbook for winegrape canopy management

Sunlight into Wine sets out the principles of canopy management to improve winegrape yield and quality. It brings together for the first time the findings of viticultural research and advances in commercial grapegrowing practice over the last decade or so. Emphasizing practical applications, there are sections to explain canopy microclimate, methods of vineyard quality assurance, and techniques to improve canopy microclimate which emphasize new trellis systems.

About Richard Smart

American actor.


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As a novice vintner and wine maker I found this book very informative in trying to help me understand the grapevine. However in speaking with other more experienced viticulturists the book gives only one side of the story, the Smart side.
An excellent guide for evaluating canopy management in commercial vineyards, where production is paramount. Can be a bit difficult to read at times, but worth the effort.
Despite being rather small and expensive, this book is an excellent reference for trellis and canopy management. This is one of the few texts that provides concrete examples and measurements for canopy management.
