Rene Daumal
Rene DaumalMount analogue

Mount analogue

(17 votes)
Mount analogue

In this novel/allegory the narrator/author sets sail in the yacht Impossible to search for Mount Analogue, the geographically located, albeit hidden, peak that reaches inexorably toward heaven.

About Rene Daumal

René Daumal was a French spiritual surrealist writer and poet. He was born in Boulzicourt, Ardennes, France.In his late teens his avant-garde poetry was published in France's leading journals, and in his early twenties, although courted by André Breton co-founded, as a counter to Surrealism and Dada, a literary journal, "Le Grand Jeu" with three friends, collectively known as the Simplists, including poet Roger Gilbert-Lecomte . He is known best in the U.S.


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