Refe Tuma
Refe TumaWhat the Dinosaurs Did at School

What the Dinosaurs Did at School

(23 votes)
What the Dinosaurs Did at School

Photographs and simple text reveal the mischief that toy dinosaurs get into during school.


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Toy dinosaurs sneak into a backpack and wreck havoc upon the elementary school. The dinosaurs cause trouble in every room and eventually end up in the teacher's desk, though they're not too broken up about it.
Silly fun, once again.
This book is about a group of dinosaurs who are let loose in a school. They are plastic dinosaurs, and each illustration is a photograph of them in stop motion animation.
As soon as I showed this to two 3-year-olds, they grabbed it from me before I could even read it so they could look at all the dinosaurs! Once I was able to sneak it back, it was a really fun read with lots of scenes depicting toy dinosaurs in school.
This fun picture book uses dinosaur action figures and clever photography to imagine what would happen if the naughty toys stowed away in a backpack and came to school one day. Kids will definitely get a giggle when they see what happens!
