Why Jesus?

(12 votes)
Why Jesus?

rediscovering his truth in an age of mass marketed spirituality

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Great book.
Skip to chapter 10 and from then on it's five stars. The first few chapters were not much about Jesus at all, so that was really disappointing.
Great info given in this book by Ravi. It details the India culture and how each religion functions.
Ravi zacharias is a modern day c.s.
A challenging read. A book that belongs in your personal library.
Arrived in very quickly sooner than expected. By all accounts the book is a good one, and will be very usefull.
As a Christian apologetic, Ravi Zacharias continues to astound me with his writings. I applaud and commend this one to anyone who seriously studies Christianity.
Zacharias is one of the most thought-provoking intellectual Christians I know of. This is a book you will definitely want to share with your friends who are "media illiterate" (vast majority of Americans).
A man of great eloquence about a great faith, Ravi Zacharias is educational and inspiring. One of the best-read Christians today.
He is truly gifted with his insights and research. Eye opening the way the New Age Spirituality has crept into our culture and the dangers involved.
Very informative I used this text to assist me with a college course on Apologetic. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would read just for general purposes.
This started out as a five star review! I love Ravi's writing!
Again Ravi Zacharias has gone beyond my expectations with this latest Book "Why Jesus"He, is The most Eloquent Apologist that I have heard or read in the last 40 years.Thank's for making his Books available at Amazon!!
Good book that helps us understand many of the arguments and distortions that hide the truth. Amazing how Ravi is able speak with passion but provide clarity and perspective on many of the spiritual pitfallsthat many people (including christians) fall prey to.
Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except by Me" (John 14:6) and herein Ravi Zacharias explains and defends the reasons that this is the case. Napoleon admitted: "I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man.
