With Liberty And Dividends For All How To Save Our Middle Class When Jobs Dont Pay Enough

With Liberty And Dividends For All How To Save Our Middle Class When Jobs Dont Pay Enough

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With Liberty And Dividends For All How To Save Our Middle Class When Jobs Dont Pay Enough

. Economic inequality has become like the weather: everyone talks about it and nobody does anything about it. Working Assets founder Peter Barnes actually has a plan: a bold effort to break the stalemate over economic policy, lift up our middle class, and make everyone a stakeholder in a cleaner planet.

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This very readable short book is a persuasive introduction to the concept behind the Alaska Permanent Fund – that we should all share equally in “co-owned wealth”. In Alaska this is oil, but it could be much more.
One of our most reasonable modern thinkers, Mr, Barnes offers us solutions too practical for people currently in office to possibly absorb. Thought provoking and fascinating.
Everybody talks about economic inequality, but hardly anyone offers a credible way to reduce it. French economist Thomas Piketty documented the deep structural nature of inequality in Capital in the 21st Century, but the best solution he could come up with was a global wealth tax.
With Liberty and Dividends for All is brilliant! Really.
