Michael Sean Winters
Michael Sean WintersLeft at the altar

Left at the altar

(13 votes)
Left at the altar

how the Democrats lost the Catholics and how the Catholics can save the Democrats

In 1960, Democrats and Catholics united to elect John F. Kennedy, America's first Catholic president. As we approach the 2008 presidential election, the Democratic party is struggling to secure Catholic votes.

About Michael Sean Winters

American journalist.


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It's better than o.k.
All you have to know to understand the odd point of view of this book, and its significant omissions, is that the writer has turned out to be an admirer and de facto defender of Jerry Falwell and a lot of his Republican exploits. This hardly seems to be based in any kind of analysis of day-to-day normality of everyday Catholics actually being more liberal than people understand.
Winters is a good writer, and this is a thoughtful and engaging book, although it does slant left. Essentially, the bulk of the book is a history of Catholics and the Democratic party.
This book is really smart. It goes all the way back to FDR and the New Deal to discuss how Catholics have been involved politically with the Democrats.
