Meg Campbell
Meg CampbellSplit Verse

Split Verse

(3 votes)
Split Verse

Poems to Heal Your Heart

...if there was ever a small book of poems that had a vast ready-made audience it is "Split Verse"....Meg Campbell had no idea the worst chapter of her life would become a cult hit.

About Meg Campbell

New Zealand poet.


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Read the book right through. A wonderful assortment which covers the gamut, expected and unexpected.
Split Verse, a collection of poems about divorce, voices the range of human emotion on this subject, and this voice at times lifts to keening and lulls to a growl. Buy this book for the chilling recognition of the unspoken distance underpinning a marriage in William Duke's "The Best Sex" and the flash of violence in Nita Penfold's "Her Daughter's Future Wedding": "All she can think about/is being in the same room/as her ex-husband.
