Matthew Scott Hansen
Matthew Scott HansenThe Shadowkiller

The Shadowkiller

(15 votes)
The Shadowkiller

A Novel

Every hair on Ty's body, the skin on his neck and arms, everything was clenched in a primeval fear stimulus response. In the thick of the woods not ten yards away stood a creature, manlike, apelike . .


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A great bookFind a copy read it l bet you will love it if you don't beleave in big foot this book will change your mind.
Book was warped and musty smelling but it is definitely one of the best reads ever! I paid next to nothing for it so I was satisfied.
..I've ever read.
I had never heard of this author, but I had read another book about a killer Bigfoot, so I figured what the hell. The book started off a little slow, however, it then turned into an epic battle of human verses Bigfoot!
I very much liked this story. Apparently the author isn't interested in a new book on a similar story line.
This book will keep u on the edge of your seat, especially if u like to read about Bigfoot. It has everything in the story to hold your interest, be ready to not be able to put it down.
Well, I liked this book. Yes, the subject matter is a bit silly: a 1400 pound, 11 foot sasquatch (with an intelligent, but limited, mind) running all over the place killing people for revenge.
Matthew Scott Hansen's novel "The Shadowkiller" is better than the average for cryptozoological fiction. It falls a notch short of the best sasquatch novel, Eric Penz' "Cryptid," but it's a fast read with lots of action and an interesting take on sasquatch.
I search for well written books of sci-fi , fantasy genres. Have read many good and bad.
I liked the concept of the story. Bigfoot goes on a rampage and kills a bunch of people.
Let's simply set the record straight, this is the absolute best "Bigfoot" book to date. If you are intrigued in any way at all about the idea of "bigfoot", you stop whatever you're doing and go get this book at any cost, don't be swayed by any of the super intellectual reviews, that try to dazzle you with their own writing abilities and tell you nothing about the book.
As one other reviewer put it, this is a prime example of a B-movie monster flick in writing. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent book and I liked reading it.
If your like me and are a fan of monster movies, you'll really enjoy this book. Yeah its kinda predictable, but believe me your not really gonna care.
I really like this book. I couldn't put it down.
Not usually being a reader of this genre I didn't really know what to expect from The Shadowkiller. However, having just finished the book I can definitely recommend that you read it.
