Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
Mahmoud DowlatabadiMissing Soluch

Missing Soluch

(45 votes)
Missing Soluch

Perhaps the most important work in modern Iranian literature, this starkly beautiful novel examines the trials of an impoverished woman and her children living in a remote village in Iran, after the unexplained disappearance of her husband, Soluch.

About Mahmoud Dowlatabadi

Mahmoud Dowlatabadi is an Iranian writer and actor, known for his promotion of social and artistic freedom in contemporary Iran and his realist depictions of rural life, drawn from personal experience.برنده لوح زرین بیست سال داستان‌نویسی بر کلیه آثار، به همراه امین فقیری ۱۳۷۶دریافت جایزه یک عمر فعالیت فرهنگی، بدر نخستین دوره جایزه ادبی یلدا به همت انتشارات کاروان و انتشارات اندیشه سازان ۱۳۸۲برنده جایزه ادبی واو ۱۳۹۰Award for International Literature at the House of Cultures in Berlin 2009Nominated Asian Literary Award for the novel Collon Collin 2011Nominated for Man Booker International prize 2011برنده جایزه ادبی هوشنگ گلشیری برای یک عمر فعالیت ۲۰۱۲English translation of Colonel's novel, translated by Tom Petrodill, nominee for the best translation book in America 2013Winner of the Literary Prize Ian Millski Switzerland 2013Knight of the Art and Literature of France 2014.


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An attempt to learn about a different culture and customs. I am taking a long time to get into the book.
An excellent portrait of rural life in Iran. The book follows a family in a poor village where Soluch, a father, has disappeared.
This novel is a beautifully written account of the village, Zaminej, and the fate of the generation that grew up in the modern age, unprepared to become part of the 'Western-drunk' generation. Far from Tehran, Mergan and her children live as though centuries had not passed; the same thing that has happened to villages and towns in the West happens here, the old professions and trades are de-valued, the town is hollowed out, the young men leave.
Missing Soluch is about the strength of a "grass widow" in a rural village in Iran who never gives up working hard to support her family and her inner belief that her missing husband is alive and will return some day. The language is poetic and the description of the environment captures the beauty and the harshness of the landscape.
Mergan and Soluch have gradually been drifting apart; they no longer find the companionship they once enjoyed in their marriage. One day Soluch simply disappears.
