Mahathir bin Mohamad
Mahathir Bin MohamadReflections on Asia

Reflections on Asia

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Reflections on Asia


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This book tells Tun Dr Mahathir (Malaysia's 4th Prime Minister) view, perception, and his reflection on various issues pertaining to Malaysia and Asia, 2 years after the 1997 Finanical Crisis in Asia Various issues in Asia are explained, covering from Domestic Issues (such as his life, the Malays, UMNO, Controvesial Capital Controls) and International Issues (such as China, Japan, East Timur,Globalisation) which is explained in brief and simple manner.His thinking, ideas and his deep sense of Enquirism jotted in this book, stimulates the thought and makes you realise why the ex-Prime Minister do not wish to accept 'Western Ideas' face value.
The book is a collection of articles written by Dr. Mahathir.
