Luci Swindoll
Luci SwindollI Married Adventure

I Married Adventure

(18 votes)
I Married Adventure

In this fun and creative full-color jewel filled with photos and artistic sketches, Luci Swindoll gives the reader a fascinating journey through a life well lived, one in which she purposefully chose to "marry" adventure.


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I love this book!!!.
I didn't find anything adventurous about it. It was very dry, repetitive and boring.
I've read other material by Luci Swindoll and found I was so blessed I knew I'd enjoy this. I was not wrong!
Excellent reading, keeps your attention wondering what she is up to next. Adventure is a good description of Luci's life.
Luci's appreciation of the gift of life is to be admired. We can all take a lesson from her challenges and victories in her walk with God, family, and friends...
I enjoyed this but did not love it as other reviewers did. This is certainly a lovely and heartfelt book.
Long before the luxury of "having it all" Luci Swindoll came up in a time when women's choices were "either/or": either you got married, left the rat race & disappeared into the world of family, or you had a career & adventures. Luci Swindoll chose the latter on a path of Faith & exploration.
What a fun ride - not to mention funny, encouraging, inspiring, challenging,uplifting,and honest! I have attended four Women of Faith conferences (makes a great mom and daughter or a friends' weekend getaway:) and have always been encouraged and challenged by Luci Swindoll.
I was first introduced to Luci Swindoll as a speaker and writer at the first Women of Faith conference I attended. I loved listening to her speak.
"Some think being adventuresome means taking a trip around the world, bungee jumping, or walking into a lion's cage at the zoo. Not at all.
This is my all time (as of right now) favorite book! Luci is full of wisdom, humor and practicality.
