Kendare Blake
Kendare BlakeMortal Gods

Mortal Gods

(26 votes)
Mortal Gods

Ares, god of war, is leading the other dying gods into battle. Which is just fine with Athena. She's ready to wage a war of her own, and she's never liked him anyway.


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The worlds Kendare builds are great and easy to imagine. Cassandra does turn a bit bratty and not as likeable, even through what she's been through.
I read the ARC! Still sumptuously well-written per Blake's usual (still so much visceral body horror and unpleasantry that I can feel right down to the roots of my teeth -- which, if you are uncertain, is actually a really good thing with me, god I love that sort of writing).
Really enjoying this series. Have loved all of Kendare Blake's works.
A good sequel to Antigoddess. Better even.
I figured I had a good chance of liking this one better than the first, and I did, mainly because I was so irritated with Aiden and Cassandra's relationship and that's gone. But it feels like a middle book--lots of holding patterns, lots of wondering who's going to strike next and where.
Holy crap this was truly brilliant--albeit with many flashes of annoying but brilliant nonetheless. The plot was riveting, the dialog was epically awesomesauce and the characters (most of them) too emotionally stunted/supremely adorkable/brimming with potential to be something MORE to not love.
Things get dark in this second installment. Cassandra is not dealing with Aiden's death well.
The first book in this series was a wonderful surprise and I was so excited to read this. I love the premise of this series and Athena and Hermes are awesome.
Most of the time, reimaginings of gods are larger than life, but somehow that makes them hollow inside. They're doomed to repeat the same actions and emotions over and over.
Mortal Gods is the second book in the Goddess Wars trilogy and, as such, picks up shortly after Antigoddess ends. At this point, the gods are not doing well.
4.5 stars!!
Mandy Sams, you would like this series.
There were a couple of new characters and many twists and turns. I definitely feel like no one is safe in this series and dead doesn't always mean dead--I'm hoping that's true for a couple of my favorite characters.
Goddamn trilogies they get me every time, what a great read.
